"An international bestseller, featuring the influential GROW model, this book is the founding text of the coaching profession. It explains why enabling people to bring the best out of themselves is the key to driving productivity, growth, and engagement. A meaningful coaching culture has the potential to transform the relationship between organizations and employees and to put both on the path to long-term success. Written by Sir John Whitmore, the pioneer of coaching, this new edition has been fully revised by Tiffany Gaskell, Director at Performance Consultants, the global market leaders in performance coaching. This 6th edition has been updated throughout to reflect today's new world of work, and will revolutionize the traditional approach to organizational culture. Insightful real-world examples serve to champion inclusivity, alongside practical exercises which place an increased value on trust and responsibility. Critical new material has further been added to strengthen the process of measuring the benefits of coaching as a return on investment; all ensuring this contemporary new edition will remain at the forefront of professional coaching and leadership development."--
Sir John Whitmore erhielt den President's Award der International Coach Federation in Anerkennung seiner Leistung auf dem Gebiet des Coachings. Gemeinsam mit Timothy Gallwey gründete er Inner Game Ltd. Er berät Wirtschaftsunternehmen und lehrt zu den Themen Coaching und Teamwork.