James MacMillan: Visitatio Sepulchri für Chor & Kammerorchester auf Super Audio CD
Visitatio Sepulchri für Chor & Kammerorchester
Super Audio CD
SACD (Super Audio CD)
Die SACD verwendet eine höhere digitale Auflösung als die Audio-CD und bietet außerdem die Möglichkeit, Mehrkanalton (Raumklang) zu speichern. Um die Musik in High-End-Qualität genießen zu können, wird ein spezieller SACD-Player benötigt. Dank Hybrid-Funktion sind die meisten in unserem Shop mit "SACD" gekennzeichneten Produkte auch auf herkömmlichen CD-Playern abspielbar. Dann allerdings unterscheidet sich der Sound nicht von einer normalen CD. Bei Abweichungen weisen wir gesondert darauf hin (Non-Hybrid).
- +Sun-Dogs für Chor a cappella
- Tonformat:
- stereo & multichannel (Hybrid)
- Künstler:
- Netherland Radio Choir, Netherland Radio Chamber Orchestra, James MacMillan, Celso Antunes
- Label:
- Aufnahmejahr ca.:
- 2008
- Artikelnummer:
- 3677397
- 7318599917191
- Erscheinungstermin:
- 21.4.2010
Mit Musik, die rhythmische Raffinesse, emotionale Kraft und spirituelle Meditation miteinander verbindet, hat sich MacMillan schnell als einer der führenden Komponisten unserer Zeit international etabliert. Untypisch für viele Zeitgenossen nimmt die Vokalmusik in seinem Schaffen breiten Raum ein. Auch die beiden umfangreichen Werke auf dieser SACD reflektieren die tiefe Verbundenheit des Komponisten mit religiösem, insbesondere katholischem, Erleben. Das 45minütige „Visitatio sepulchri“ ist die Transformation eines mittelalterlichen liturgischen Dramas in die Tonsprache unserer Zeit. „Sun-Dogs“ dagegen vertont einen zeitgenössischen Text aus der Feder des Dichters Michael Symmons Roberts. In beiden Werken findet man Mystik à la Messiaen, Expressionismus wie bei Birtwistle, gälisches Psalmensingen und tibetischen Tempelgesang.
With music that combines rhythmic excitement, raw emotional power and spiritual meditation, James MacMillan (b. 1959) has rapidly established himself as a leading international composer. On BIS, seven previous releases feature instrumental works by him, and now the time has come for the first disc with scores involving voices. MacMillan is unusual among mainstream contemporary composers in that his output includes a high proportion of choral works, from music to be used in weekly church services to virtuoso writing for soloistic multi-voiced choirs. On the present disc are two world première recordings: the 45-minute Visitatio Sepulchri for chorus and chamber orchestra (a recording of the version for solo voices already exists) and the 23-minute a cappella Sun-Dogs. As with so much of MacMillan’s production, both works reflect the composer’s deep involvement with matters of religious – and more specifically Roman Catholic – faith. The longer work is a setting of a medieval liturgical drama which describes the scene from the New Testament where three women go to visit the Holy Sepulchre on the day after Christ’s crucifixion, and learn that he has risen from the dead. Sun-Dogs instead uses a contemporary text, by the poet Michael Symmons Roberts, which in MacMillan’s own words is: ‘richly allegorical, evoking a range of emotions and images, dark and terrifying one minute, radiant and ecstatic the next.’ In both works the composer allows a number of diverse musical influences to surface: those of composers such as the mystic Olivier Messiaen and the expressionistic Harrison Birtwistle, of Gaelic psalm-singing typical of the Hebrides and of Tibetan Buddhist chanting. The scores also include various techniques such as deep breathing, whistling and stage-whispered, toneless chanting. Performing these exciting works are the singers of the eminent Netherlands Radio Choir, one of the largest and most versatile professional choirs in the world, conducted by its current chief conductor, Celso Antunes (in Sun-Dogs) and by the composer himself (in Visitatio).
With music that combines rhythmic excitement, raw emotional power and spiritual meditation, James MacMillan (b. 1959) has rapidly established himself as a leading international composer. On BIS, seven previous releases feature instrumental works by him, and now the time has come for the first disc with scores involving voices. MacMillan is unusual among mainstream contemporary composers in that his output includes a high proportion of choral works, from music to be used in weekly church services to virtuoso writing for soloistic multi-voiced choirs. On the present disc are two world première recordings: the 45-minute Visitatio Sepulchri for chorus and chamber orchestra (a recording of the version for solo voices already exists) and the 23-minute a cappella Sun-Dogs. As with so much of MacMillan’s production, both works reflect the composer’s deep involvement with matters of religious – and more specifically Roman Catholic – faith. The longer work is a setting of a medieval liturgical drama which describes the scene from the New Testament where three women go to visit the Holy Sepulchre on the day after Christ’s crucifixion, and learn that he has risen from the dead. Sun-Dogs instead uses a contemporary text, by the poet Michael Symmons Roberts, which in MacMillan’s own words is: ‘richly allegorical, evoking a range of emotions and images, dark and terrifying one minute, radiant and ecstatic the next.’ In both works the composer allows a number of diverse musical influences to surface: those of composers such as the mystic Olivier Messiaen and the expressionistic Harrison Birtwistle, of Gaelic psalm-singing typical of the Hebrides and of Tibetan Buddhist chanting. The scores also include various techniques such as deep breathing, whistling and stage-whispered, toneless chanting. Performing these exciting works are the singers of the eminent Netherlands Radio Choir, one of the largest and most versatile professional choirs in the world, conducted by its current chief conductor, Celso Antunes (in Sun-Dogs) and by the composer himself (in Visitatio).
FonoForum 01/11: "Wirkt die expressionistische Gestik in "Visitatio sepulchri" eher plakativ, so fesselt das A-cappella-Stück "Sun-Dogs" durch eine enorme Vielfalt von Farben und Artikulationen, bis hin zum Flüstern, Sprechen und Pfeifen. Eine Heraus forderung für jeden Profi-Chor, der sich die Niederländer erfolgreich stellen."-
Disk 1 von 1 (SACD)
Sun-dogs (2006)
1 1. I first saw them: Largo
2 2. Domini canes: Adagio
3 3. I saw them leading: Allegro moderato
4 4. Sometimes, like Tobias: Andante
5 5. If you turn down the offerings: Andante
Visitatio Sepulchri (1992-93)
6 1. Szene 1
7 2. Szene 2
8 3. Szene 3