"Cody's home life is a messy, too-often terrifying story of neglect and abuse. Cody himself is a smart kid, a survivor with a great sense of humor that helps him see past his circumstances and begin to try to get himself out. Autumn is a wealthy girl from an Indigenous family, who has found herself in with the popular crowd even though it's hard for her to want to keep up. ... One night, while returning home from a movie, Autumn comes across Cody, face down in the laneway behind her house. All Cody knows is that he can't take another encounter with his father like the one he just narrowly escaped"--
Biografie (Richard Scrimger)
Richard Scrimger wurde 1957 in Montreal geboren und verbrachte den größten Teil seiner Kindheit in Scarborough am Lake Ontario. Er studierte Englisch und Geschichte und verbrachte nach der Universität ein Jahr in europa, wo er mit dem Schreiben begann. Seither hat er zahlreiche Kinder- und Jugendbücher veröffentlicht. Seine vier Kinder bezeichnet er als seine schärfsten Kritier.