Ihre Suche nach "anthony j. steinhoff" ergab 3 Treffer

Anthony J Steinhoff: Europe's Long Nineteenth Century, Buch

Anthony J Steinhoff
Europe's Long Nineteenth Century

An examination of the major cultural, social, economic and political changes in 19th-century Europe, as well as an exploration of the continent's rise to global predominance and its consequences.

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Anthony J Steinhoff: Europe's Long Nineteenth Century, Buch

Anthony J Steinhoff
Europe's Long Nineteenth Century

An examination of the major cultural, social, economic and political changes in 19th-century Europe, as well as an exploration of the continent's rise to global predominance and its consequences.

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: Handbook of Religious Culture in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Buch

Handbook of Religious Culture in Nineteenth-Century Europe

De Gruyter Reference

This handbook offers a guide to research on religious culture during Europe's long 19th century. It is organized around the concept of "religious culture".This focus encourages assessments of the evolutio…

lieferbar ab 15.11.2024.
EUR 148,83*
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