Military fortifications include forts, castles and towers, forts are the largest military fortifications and surround areas of land to protect and fortify them against any aggression. They differ from ordinary walls in that they contain special buildings for protection, fortification and surveillance, such as towers, bastions and bastions. Castles are military fortifications built in strategic areas such as mountains or on sea coasts, and their mission is limited to surveillance and defense against any external aggression. They consist of a group of towers and watchtowers, and their inhabitants are only soldiers and soldiers. There are square or round towers in forts and castles that protrude from the walls and fences, and large watchtowers were built that can accommodate a large garrison. The research deals with weapons used inside fortifications and anti-siege weapons, including the catapult and firearms that include Greek fire, gunpowder, cannons, muskets, and rifles, in addition to bows, arrows and explosive hand pots that served as hand grenades, Hole poles (Rams), explosive hand pots, gunpowder, firearms, in addition to other traditional weapons.