Electroencephalography provides a systematic approach to normal and abnormal electroencephalography (EEG) patterns, serving as an instructional guide for the beginner in EEG and an essential reference for the experienced EEG reader. Containing about 400 figures illustrating typical EEG patterns which are also available online in reformatted referential and bipolar montages, this book covers how electrical waves are generated into the brain, the equipment required to record electrical brain waves (including the set-up of EEG machines, electrodes, and procedures), biological and non-biological disturbances called artifacts in EEG recordings, and differentiation of normal and abnormal patterns in EEG.
Biografie (Jan Rémi)
Dr. med. Jan Rémi, Neurologische Klinik, Klinikum der Universität München. Der Autor engagiert sich seit langem in der Lehre und sieht es als persönliche Herausforderung an, seinen Studenten nicht nur neurologisches Faktenwissen, sondern auch Spaß am spannenden Fach Neurologie zu vermitteln.