Artist Philipp Deines traces the story of now world-famous af Klint's unique life and groundbreaking oeuvre through five chapters featuring her development as an artist, her family background, and her relationship to the spiritual. Highlighting how she came to her distinctive paintings, her spiritual quest, and the friends who helped her, this is a story of the strength it took af Klint to continue as an artist against all odds. Beautifully drawn, brightly colored, and well-researched, this graphic novel is a new way of looking at the story of an artist. Referencing Julia Voss's new biography of af Klint, Deines presents an accessible and lively introduction for many ages. Biography, art history, and contemporary narrative style merge and complement each other in these magnificent visual worlds.
Biografie (Julia Voss)
Julia Voss, geboren 1974, studierte Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Kunstgeschichte und Philosophie an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg i. Brsg., am Goldsmiths College in London und an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Sie arbeitet als Redakteurin bei der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung". 2009 erhielt sie den Sigmund-Freud-Preis für wissenschaftliche Prosa.