Since 1954, a discrete and select group of wealthy and powerful individuals have attended a private, yearly conference to discuss matters of their choosing. This group represents European and North American elites, as well as new talent and rising stars, from the worlds of politics, business, media, academia, the military and even royalty, and has included household names such as Margaret Thatcher, Henry Kissinger and even Prince Philip. In recent years their number have featured David Cameron, Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Bill Clinton and David Rockefeller. These are the Bilderbergers, named after the hotel where their secret gatherings were first hosted. What is their purpose, why do they meet, and what do they want? Investigative writer Gerhard Wisnewski explores the numerous claims of conspiracy that swirl around the group, revealing names of participants, their agendas and their goals.
Biografie (Gerhard Wisnewski)
Gerhard Wisnewski, geboren 1959, beschäftigt sich mit den verschwiegenen Seiten der Wirklichkeit; seit 1986 ist der studierte Politikwissenschaftler als freier Autor, Schriftsteller und Dokumentarfilmer tätig. Viele seiner Bücher wurden Bestseller. Auszeichnungen 2000 mit dem 3st-Zuschauerpreis und dem Grimme-Preis.
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