Digz the Dog and Zurl the Squirrel both lay claim to Ms. Pincher's garden but when their rivalry reaches its peak, they discover they may not be as different as they thought.
Biografie (Chris Pine)
Chris Pine first discovered Ruby in early 2001 and immediately began using it to build tools for his day job: programming computer games. After hours, he volunteered with gifted children teaching them advanced mathematics. With Ruby, he began teaching his students programming as well. Chris finds writing about himself in the third person uncomfortably like listening to his own voice being played back to him. He enjoys board games and juggling, and is currently living with his wife and two children in Portland, Oregon.
Biografie (Chuck Groenink)
Chuck Groenink, geboren 1982, wuchs im Norden der Niederlande auf. Als Kind kletterte er auf Bäume, zeichnete viel und fuhr gern Fahrrad. Das alles tut er heute noch. 2004 machte er seinen Abschluss im Fach Illustration an dem "Artez Institute" in Kampen/Niederlande. Seit 2010 lebt er in Portland, USA.
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