The LPI: Leadership Practices Inventory Card is a reminder resource that leaders can use to recall The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership and the 6 LPI behaviors associated with each practice. The Leadership Practices Inventory is the best-selling and most trusted leadership tool of its generation. This celebrated instrument packages approaches leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors. The 360-degree assessment helps individuals and organizations measure their leadership competencies, while guiding them through the process of applying Kouzes and Posner's acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model to real-life organizational challenges.
Biografie (Barry Z. Posner)
Barry Posner is Dean of the Leavey School of Business and Professor of Leadership at Santa Clara University.§§Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner are authors of the award-winning and best-selling book, The Leadership Challenge, as well as the widely used Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). They have also written such works as Credibility, Encouraging the Heart, and The Leadership Challenge Planner. The launch of LPI Online, combined with their other publications, truly make them the most trusted source on becoming a better leader.§
Biografie (James M. Kouzes)
James Kouzes is Chairman Emeritus of the Tom Peters Company and an Executive Fellow at the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University.§§Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner are authors of the award-winning and best-selling book, The Leadership Challenge, as well as the widely used Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). They have also written such works as Credibility, Encouraging the Heart, and The Leadership Challenge Planner. The launch of LPI Online, combined with their other publications, truly make them the most trusted source on becoming a better leader.§