"Authors Alan Moore and Steve Moore team up with six stellar artists for a fascinating survey of occult sciences and figures, from the paleolithic era to today. Lavishly illustrated chapters suggesting things to do on a rainy day offer instructions on performing divinations and conjuring spirits and deities. Lengthy primers on kabbalah and tarot card divination offer the authors' insights into the historical and cultural significance of each, as well as practical suggestions for readers interested in adapting these practices to inspire creative work drawn from their subconscious or expand their conscious processing of the day-to-day world. "Old Moores' Lives of the Great Enchanters" is a series of single-page biographies highlighting the lives and work of an array of mystics, heretics, saints, scholars, poets, and painters throughout history. The authors' passion for their subject is obvious, but often with tongue planted firmly in cheek, as evidenced by chapters depicting an ancient conman's screwball quest to establish a ult and an array of puzzles, mazes, and connect-the-dots activity pages strewn throughout. VERDICT: The authors make a compelling case for the importance of mysticism and magical thinking for the development of human consciousness and civilization..."--Library Journal.
Biografie (Alan Moore)
Alan Moore, geboren 1952 in England, begann seine Karriere Ende der 70er Jahre als Strip-Autor und-Zeichner für "Sounds". In den frühen 80er Jahren konzentrierte er sich aufs Schreiben und veröffentlichte u. a. für die britischen Magazine '2000 AD' und 'Warrior'. Seine Verlagsarbeiten machten ihn zu einem sehr populären Comic-Autor. 1996 erste Romanveröffentlichung. Auszeichnungen mit fast allen Preisen für einen 'Comic'-Autor sowie mit dem Max-und Moritz-Preis als bester Szenarist. 2008 erhielt Alan Moore den Max und Moritz-Preis als Sonderpreis für sein Lebenswerk. Der Autor lebt in Mittelengland.