The violent murder of a mother and daughter in Paris leaves the police baffled - but the reclusive Dupin, an amateur detective, decides to investigate simply in his desire for truth and to prove a falsely imprisoned man innocent. Through his ground-breaking investigation, Dupin will reveal the incredible truth of this shocking misdeed.
The Penguin English Library Edition of The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales by Edgar Allan Poe '... an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity...' Horror, madness, violence and the dark forces hidden in humanity abound in this collection of Poe's brilliant tales, including - among others - the bloody, brutal and baffling murder of a mother and daughter in Paris in 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue', the creeping insanity of 'The Tell-Tale Heart', the Gothic nightmare of 'The Masque of the Red Death', and the terrible doom of 'The Fall of the House of Usher'. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-49) gilt als bedeutendster Vertreter der amerikanischen Romantik und als Urvater der Kriminal- und phantastischen Literatur. Seine Kriminal- und Gruselgeschichten sind, ob als Gedicht oder Erzählung, in besonderem Maße von seinem analytischen Scharfsinn und seinem Hang zum Makaberen geprägt und haben einen großen Einfluss auch auf die europäische Literatur ausgeübt.